Karma Pervs: Wet Armory Leather Alliance
The newest post for Karma Pervs benefits Leather Alliance (leatheralliance.org), which has several individual directors including: Vick Germany, Mark Ingham , Seth Munter, Cat Ondriezek, Jim Sullivan, Mario Torrigino, and Jessie Vanciel. It’s multitude of member clubs include: SF Citadel Volunteers, The Defenders, Dykes on Bikes (San Francisco Women’s Motorcycle Contingent Dykes on Bikes ®, The Exiles, 15 Association.org, San Francisco Girls of Leather, Golden Gate Guards, Homoto, Leathermen’s Discussion Group, Leather Quest, Leather-Levi Weekend, Bears of SF, and The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
The San Francisco Bay Area Leather Alliance fits superbly into my aim of supporting much-deserving non-profit organizations which are supportive environments of queer, sex-positive, and kink-friendly communities. While the Leather Alliance is well-known for this great service, a little known fact is that it also maintains an Emergency Grants Account. Community members in financial need because of accident or serious illness may apply to receive up to $1500 in assistance for basic living expenses.
I shot the photo set with one of my favorite kinky photographers, Aeric Meredith-Goujon. And my co-model was non-other than Ms SF Leather 2011 candidate, Leland Carina! The Leather Alliance is sponsoring her run for Ms. SF Leather, so a donation to them further supports Leland as well. In full transparency, Leland is a friend, and in all honesty, an incredibly valued member of SF’s diverse kink communities. She has a hand in so many important organizations and projects, and is truly a leader which is why I’m very proud of her and fully support her run for Ms. SF Leather. (This is also a special situation because it’s the first time the Leather Alliance has voted to sponsor a candidate, and this has the potential to create a new platform where the organization can support future candidates as well. Leland is the Chair of the PR Committee of the Leather Alliance and was really excited to participate in a Karma Pervs project to raise funds and awareness for the Alliance!)
If you want to find out more about Leland and support her run, check out her website and information about her special donation basket drive. She is creating a new method of fundraising around her candidacy and if you have feedback she’d love to hear your ideas.
This photo project specifically highlights the San Francisco Girls of Leather (SFgoL) of which Leland is President. SFgoL are a group of self-identified Leathergirls which hosts a myriad of meetings and events to provide camaraderie and a safe space to other Leathergirls. The group serves the Bay Area Leather Community and beyond through volunteer and outreach local events and online discussion boards. A fun campaign they are doing involves photoshoots wearing the SFgoL tee-shirts, which we incorporated into our shoot. While I do not identify as a “girl”, I find feminine aspects within my kink play and I value the efforts that Leland and other Leathergirls are contributing to my queer and kinky community.
Hope you enjoy our photos, taken at the Kink.com Armory. Thanks to Leland, Aeric, and our water-thrower Kate!

Jiz Lee
Update: thank you so much everyone who has signed up so far!
Just a note to those of you who may be new to Karma Pervs — the membership allows you to see all the previous photos! It’s a really amazing collection of images. In addition, if you’d like to order a custom signed DVD from me in leiu of a site membership, just send me an email at jiz *at* jizlee.com and let’s coordinate. I want to raise as much as possible for Leather Alliance. Thanks!