Vice Magazine Interviews Queer Pornstars
I had the joy of being interviewed by Vice Magazine (, which queer porn stars to share their experiences fucking for film. Dylan Ryan, Madison Young, Syd Blakovich, and myself got to answer some pretty fun questions from the hilarious Liz Armstrong who had a pretty crazy experience into what she thought was lesbian porn. After publishing it, Liz was introduced to Jincey, whose upcoming TAXI ( will screen this October at the Berlin Feminist Porn Festival. The scenes are DOMME featuring me & Madison, and SWEAT with Syd & Justine Joli.
“Hi, I’m the dummy who fell for a plot to join what was most likely a fake lesbian porno, as chronicled in today’s feature from our Film Issue. I contacted some real queer porn pros to find out just where I went wrong. If you’re a homophobe, sitting at a desk and have a boss you’re scared of, or haven’t lived long enough to legally know what a dildo is, get out of here right now…”
That’s a killer intro, I am crushing on this writer already. I wonder if she’s cute? Liz’s interview commentary is great and the responses from the four of us range from empowered awesomeness to outrageous stories. Anyway, read more at Liz Armstrong’s “This Is How You Do It” feature in Vice Magazine.
P.S. Liz kicks off the article with a picture of twincest (my performance art project with Syd). Twincest is defunct — check out our epitaph at — but I hope it is always remembered because it was a project of sex and media and art and that’s porn to me.

I loved it. I am loving the queer porn scene. I only wish I could move to San fran now and start directing or writing porn myself.
I think you have one the best sites on the web. I especially like how candid you are. I read the original article Liz Armstrong(I have not been able to find a picture of her on the viceland site would be curios to see what she looks like myself) and the interviews she did with yourself, Syd, Dylon and Madison and thought all four of you ladies were provacative and beautiful. Glad to see you ladies know how to look after yourselves and that you don’t take any bullshit from producers and directors who don’t belong in the business. I am glad there are places like AIM and that some of the agencies are being run by women and men who care about the talent which is the reason that adult films keep getting made and why they continue to be popular. Obviously a talented and nuturing director can make or break a movie also. Out of curiosity do you have a prefernce for male or female directors and are they better at the directing if they have formerly been talent themselves ? Out of curiosity are any other mainstream adult actresses besides Belladonna that you would like to work with ? I personally think you and Janine Lindemulder would look great together. Have a good one and the best of luck in whatever you do.
Jiz Lee
Thank you Tyra!
If you moved out and started directing I would support that decision, it’s difficult but worth it!
Hi Ted!
Thank you so much for your comment! I’d like to answer all the questions you ask more fully; I’ll try to cover them briefly here: I’ve only worked with two male directors thus far; Carlos Batts and Morty Diamond who co-directed Speakeasy with Courtney Trouble. The majority of the directors I’ve filmed with identify as queer women. My experience and comfort level on set does not make a difference on the gender of the director, but rather my co-stars. I love working with friends and lovers. So I have no preference, though I’m also picky with whom I work with and so I’d have to know them or their work before doing a shoot. I don’t think the director is better if they’ve been in front of the camera, honestly. I think they’re better if they’re pervs. : )
As for other mainstream models, I have seen only very little of Janine. I respect her and have heard a little about her story. I think that Justine Joli is known in the mainstream and would love to work with her. I have a crush on Sasha Grey and though I’d be so scared I would one day like to work with her. I would have to think about other mainstream performers because I’d want there to be a good connection because my preference is to work with real friends and lovers.
Thanks again!